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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Toggling which is primary monitor
Mu0n   2006-07-29 02:47
Is it possible to use UltraMon to be able to switch the order (primary - secondary) between two monitors? I don't want to swap anything else; no resolution swap, no refresh rate swap.

I'm trying to find something in winxp to do this, and also in ATI catalyst control center - to no avail. I have an ATI Radeon 9600xt, a CRT monitor (usually set as primary) and a lcd hdtv (would be set as primary just before running civ IV for example, so that it "catches" the game on its screen).
Christian Studer   2006-07-29 09:39
Is the 'Use this device as the primary monitor' option in Display Properties > Settings disabled?

If yes, UltraMon also won't be able to change the primary monitor, but you should still be able to change it with the ATI software.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Toggling which is primary monitor

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