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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Second monitor disables after each reboot
Joel Fernandes   2006-08-02 02:08

I'm facing a strange problem with multi-monitoring.

I have a Radeon 9600 with a DVI and VGA output where I have connected to 2 monitors.

I've just installed windows xp and the latest ATI drivers for my card, however, each time I make a reboot to the system or even logout from windows and login back again, the second monitor becomes disabled and I need to enable it back again.

What might be wrong?

Thank you,
Joel Fernandes
Trevor   2006-08-08 10:54
I am also experiencing this same issue. Ultamon just seems to refuse to remember my settings. I am running an ATI Radeon 9800 with the same setup one DVI and one VGA. This didn't use to happen.

Any help out there?
Trevor   2006-08-08 11:56
Got this fixed. In case you are still having problems, this may help.

I uninstalled both Ultramon and the latest ATI drivers. I then reinstalled the ATI drivers and downloaded a new copy of Ultramon from the website and installed it. Seems to be working like a charm now. It seems I was running an older version of Ultramon (ver 2.5) and maybe this will help you as well. Good luck.
Trevor   2006-08-08 13:56

It didn't work.
n3twork   2006-08-08 16:33
Try switching which display is the primary... not sure if this would help or not but maybe it would. Definetly worth a try. Another thing you can consider is getting the omega drivers from instead of the ati drivers. I know I had better results with the Omega Drivers then I did with the IBM ones that came with the laptop. (ATI MOBILITY chipset)
Trevor   2006-08-09 03:34
Hey, thanks for the tip on the Omega Drivers.

If anyone else is having this problem give the drivers at this website a shot.

Seems to have worked for me anyway.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Second monitor disables after each reboot

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