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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple monitor arrangement
Jezza   2006-08-07 13:38
I am using Ultramon with three monitors - two on a NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT PCI Express and one on a PCI GeForce MX 4000. When I arrange my monitors in the physical arrangement I want (because they are different sizes) they come up showing an order like 2 1 3 or 1 3 2 which is usually ok, except when I use my serial Kurta tablet with Corel or Photoshop - the puck jams up against the side of the LH screen and I am forced to use the mouse.
This problem does not happen if the monitors are forced into 1 2 3 arrangement by ignoring the physical arrangement I want. The tablet works fine. What I want to know is how is this monitor order encoded on the system and can it be modified in the registry or elesewhere. Also the dialog boxes and file open boxes pop up in unexpected places and Ultramon does not seem to be able to put a taskbar on the middle screen in the 2 1 3 arrangement
Any ideas re this problem would be most appreciated!
n3twork   2006-08-07 18:14
The displays are identified (IE numbered) in the order in which windows loads them. The best solution would be to plug the monitors in different ports. First find out which monitor is 1. Follow the cable and note what port it is on the pc. Do the same for 2 and 3 then just plug them in starting from left to rigth going from 1 to 3. I know this isn't the most convinient solution but I don't think there is a way to change how windows identifies them maybe someone else knows of a way. I find it easier just to change the cables ;P
Christian Studer   2006-08-08 08:00
Where do you have the Windows taskbar in the 2 1 3 configuration?

Christian Studer -
Jezza   2006-08-09 01:46
Taskbar is currently on 2 of 2 1 3.
Christian Studer   2006-08-09 08:26
Please try the following: right-click the UltraMon taskbar on monitor 3, then select 'Add Taskbar for' from the menu, you should then be able to add a taskbar to monitor 1.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multiple monitor arrangement

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