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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cannot have different backgrounds on dual screens
Christian   2006-08-16 09:55

Trying to have different backgrounds on each of my two monitors does not work. Whenever I make the change that each monitor should have a different image, it only sticks on the first monitor (primary). All changes made, no matter which of the two monitors is selected, is only made on the primary monitor. The secondary just keeps the color. The spanned taskbar works fine, so UltraMon must see the two different monitors.

I am running a Dell Laptop with one monitor on the DVI out and one on the analog out. Its ATI Mobility Raedon X300 graphics card.

Thanks for all and any help...this seems like a nice piece of software.
Christian   2006-08-16 10:01
Nevermind, I figured it out. I didnt realize that the added backgrounds are not individual files but rather profiles, so in each profile you need to choose the two backgrounds you want. I thought you need to select the monitor and then which background to have on it from the list on the right, which is the profiles.

Nice, thanks.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Cannot have different backgrounds on dual screens

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