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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mouse/Mice issue
MrMom   2006-08-16 10:08
is it possible to have two monitors on 2 seperate video cards, in the same case , using the same operatin system and and using the same mouse to switch back and forth between monitors ,without cloning. and running sepeate applications on each monitor?
David DeRolph   2006-08-19 03:05
Absolutely. That's exactly the motivation behind most multiple monitor configurations. Are you trying to set up dual monitors? Having some problems?
MrMom   2006-08-20 02:42
yes and i forgot to say dual monitors each with its onw taskbar
David DeRolph   2006-08-20 10:11
You need UltraMon in order to get separate task bars on both monitors.
MrMom   2006-08-20 23:19
oh thank u very much
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Mouse/Mice issue

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