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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two Monitors work on GFX Card, but none on motherboard
William   2006-08-19 07:27
Is the motherboard monitor plug disabled if a graphics card is installed?

I have two monitors in my GeForce 4 (one digital, one analog), And I'd like to hook up a third, but plugging it into the monitor plug on the motherboard doesn't work.

Do I have to get another graphics card, or is there some setting I can change?
The_Magistrate   2006-08-19 09:54
Yes, usually when you install an add-on video card (AGP or PCI) the BIOS will disable the on-board video. To get a third monitor, you would have to install another video card.
William   2006-08-19 14:13
Well, I do have an extra video card, so I may do that.
No way to re-enable the onboard in the bios then, eh? Ah well.
Thanks. ;)
n3twork   2006-08-23 15:56
Depends on the mobo and the chipset most on-board video cards are treated as agp slots so if you install an agp card you can't use them. If your lucky and you installed a pci card you should be able to go into the bios re-enable the on board vieo switch the video boot to pci and be on your merry way.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two Monitors work on GFX Card, but none on motherboard

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