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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> HOW-TO Guide: Sticky monitors, while passing the mouse cursor between monitors
Tom   2006-08-19 10:12

try it for free, tell me what you think of it
David DeRolph   2006-08-19 10:43
Hmmm, the referenced web page says:

How do I remove it ?
Just delete the MouseTrap.exe and MouseTrap.dat files, and you are done.

Doesn't this thing appear in Add or Remove Programs applet in Windows Control Panel?
Tom   2006-08-19 11:09
Since you dont install anything (you just run an .exe file which doesnt touch anything in your system), you also dont uninstall anything, this is why, you just need to simply delete the files...
David DeRolph   2006-08-20 10:12
OK, thanks for the explanation.
ECarlson   2006-08-24 13:55
Looks like a very nice program. I've seen at least a couple people here ask if some such solution existed. Maybe Christian should add it to the FAQ.

I can't give any feedback on how well it works, because I've never personally been affected by the monitor border mouse issue, but I'll keep your solution in mind in case I run into anyone with the issue.

Questions: Does this work if you have more than 2 monitors? What if you have 6 monitors, 3 on top of 3 (or perhaps 3 monitors, 1 centered above 2), does it work when going up and down between monitors, across all monitors, and in the diagonal corners between monitors?

- Eric,
Benos   2006-09-01 04:40
That link doesn't work!! But its exactly what I have been looking for! Does somewhere here have it they could post it up somewhere else!?

ECarlson   2006-09-01 10:37
The link worked fine for me just now, and I was able to download the file too (haven't tried it). Maybe his site was down when you tried.

Here is the link in linkified form:

- Eric,
Tom   2006-09-01 10:58
Hi all,

Ofcourse this program isn't for everybody, but thanks for the positive feedback so far.

As for the questions, yes, this works with any number of monitors, currently, the sticky settings will work between all the monitors you have (be it, 3, 6, and in any vertical / horitonzal configuration).

I've had a few requests to make it sticky only under some conditions, and i'll try fix it in the coming days (and thus improve it's usability).

As for the site, it currently (and usually) works :) the link given here is the correct one, please report if you still have downloading it issues.

As always, if you have and feedback / questions feel free to ask.
Benos   2006-09-01 15:04
Thanks Tom I downloaded it and it is exactly what I am after!

Which brings me to something else you may be the perfect candidate for...

One other problem which I know myself and a lot of others are having, is the issue of FOCUS when using dual monitors... Specifically, the second monitor stealing focus when something is clicked within it... The perfect example is when your playing a game full screen on your primary monitor, and try to click on an application on the second. Because of the focus issue, windows will immediately minimise your game, giving focus to whatever you clicked... I remember someone in these forums saying it wouldn’t be that difficult to write a little app that fixed it, but unfortunately its what out of my, or anyone ive run into's league...

perhaps with your knowledge tom you could easily add this functionality to your MouseTrap program?

Or am I dreaming>?

Tom   2006-09-02 08:45

I've updated the MouseTrap to version 0.1.2, now adding a new feature to only stick when moving in specific ways (you'll see the feature in the configuration window, and explenation on my site).

As always, if you find this utility usefull, drop me a line with feedback (mail on site), and also you can always digg it :)

Tom   2006-09-02 08:53
Benos, indeed the issue pointed out by you is annoying, alas I belive it is impossible to be fixed (without really heavy-duty stuff) altough I must say I have not yet truely investigated it.

The issue with games is that they use DirectInput for capturing the mouse, and thus this might prove to be problematic in handling application wise.

Also I belive there are serious issues with multi-windows focus (might be wrong here), which hinder this effort...

Hopefully Vista will be better :)
Benos   2006-09-02 13:54
Hehe good point! Vista is just around the corner isnt it!

Thanks heaps for the app Tom! Saves a lot of hassle!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> HOW-TO Guide: Sticky monitors, while passing the mouse cursor between monitors

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