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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> GeForce 6600 GT, not detecting seccond monitor
Eddie   2006-08-20 21:24
I have recently built a new pc, I have two monitors, but I use one for each pc... Normally I can use multimons on my other pc with a nvidia 5200, but in this pc I have a 6600..

I can only run one monitor at a time, If I put it in the agp port on the gfx, it works, if I put one in the dvi it works..

but if i put two together, only one is picked up in windows...

I have the newest drivers, yet no luck...

Eddie   2006-08-21 10:15
ok, update:

I found out that when I have no nVidia drivers installed, the other monitors led stays green ( like it should normally )

So its the nvidia drivers.. I have tried many different ones, does anyone else use this card and could tell me what drivers they use?

Eddie   2006-08-23 00:28
Another update.. Id like some help please :P

I have found out that if I plug the monitor into the vga port and unplug the dvi, the monitor content is pinkish...

then when I get into windows, I plug in the dvi connector and it works it found the two monitors.. only trouble is, the main one is pinkish and I have to trick the pc to do this :/

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> GeForce 6600 GT, not detecting seccond monitor

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