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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Need help configuring Panel Order in NVIEW after adding PCI card for a 3 monitor SET-UP
Chris   2006-08-22 04:14

I'm having a problem with my default monitor settings after adding a PCI card to my set-up,

I was running a AGP 900XGL card with no problems for a dual display set-up , I decided to add a 3rd monitor so I purchased a Nvidia NVS 50 PCI card, plugged it in and I can get all displays to work - HOWEVER my panel order has been shuffled and I can get the order I want. Does anyone know how I can override this ?

Here is a picture of the before and after DISPLAY PROPERTIES -

Realtime Soft
N4rumi   2006-08-22 17:00
drag them around, click on them and just move it around till its the right spot
Chris   2006-08-23 09:56
I have done that but it will not let me change the order of my original set-up, look at the picture why is the PCI card taking monitor #2 instead of #3 ??

Before installing the PCI card - the monitors were 1 and 2 after I install it the count changes to this -

AGP 900XGL monitors 1 , 3

PCI 50NVS monitor - 2 ???
n3twork   2006-08-23 15:45
Chris did you try setting your bios to PCI video instead of AGP?
ECarlson   2006-08-24 13:40
I think that numbering is normal. Anyway, why does the numbering matter, as long as you have them arranged in Display Properties to match the physical arrangement?

- Eric,
Chris   2006-08-25 09:38
Thanks for the replies -

n3twork -

I did change the BIOS so that the AGP is the first priority

ECarlson -

I guess I could change the order so that physically the monitors are set up

AGP 1,3 and PCI 2

SO the feed sequence would look like - AGP,PCI,AGP

Tt just seems odd that the PCI card would be called on to lets say a SPLIT screen between monitors 2 & 3

Should not the AGPs stay in sequence ? Can anyone else check thier Display properpites and see how the sequence looks AFTER adding a PCI card to a dual head AGP card . . . ?

My Display Properties

David DeRolph   2006-08-26 02:43
So, you can't take your mouse and re-arrange monitors 1, 2, and 3 in your Display Properties? Makes no sense. Makes me think you simply don't know how to do this.
Chris   2006-08-26 03:53
READ the question !

Of course I can rearrange the monitors, my question is why is the PCI card in charge of monitor #2 and not #3 ? And why can't I pick which source (PCI or AGP) feeds my monitors.
Chris   2006-08-26 03:58
Let me rephrase this -

BEFORE adding the PCI card

AGP card handled monitors #1 & #2 as that is the normal set-up for a dual head card and 2 monitors

WHEN I added the PCI card all of a sudden monitor #2 was being handled by the PCI card and AGP was now in charge of #1 & #3.

Why is it I CAN'T INSTRUCT the PC to have the PCI card as option #3 on the Monitor Plug and Play list ????
David DeRolph   2006-08-26 04:10
I understand your point but I, like N4rumi and ECarlson, see it as a non-issue. You arrange them as needed in Display Properties, so non-issue.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Need help configuring Panel Order in NVIEW after adding PCI card for a 3 monitor SET-UP

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