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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Taskbar Help
Dan   2006-08-31 10:00
I have a normal computer monitor as my primary display via an analog port. I also have a HDTV connected to the DVI port.

My problem is that the taskbar (start, clock, etc.) is on the HDTV ... I want to switch it over to my computer monitor.

I think this relates to the 1 or 2 designation for the monitors ... the HDTV is currently #1 and the computer monitor is #2.

I'm sorry if this explanation isn't comprehensive enough - but can anyone make sense of what I'm saying/offer any advice? Thank you.

Dan   2006-08-31 10:34

Scratch my last request ... I got the normal taskbar figured out, so here's an easier question:

When I turn on the smart taskbar, it simply piles on top of my normal taskbar on the primary monitor. How do I get it to the other? Thanks again.

Christian Studer   2006-09-01 00:10
Grab the bottom-right corner of the UltraMon taskbar to drag it to the other monitor.

If the taskbar is locked, right-click it and uncheck 'Lock Taskbar', otherwise you won't be able to move it.

After moving the taskbar, right-click it and adjust the 'Show Tasks from' setting so that it only shows tasks from the monitor it is on.

Christian Studer -
shadow-wulf   2007-01-31 15:39
thank you so much for this post. I lost my one task bar and found it underneath one of the other ones. I have been trying everything to get the start bar to show open programs without success.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Taskbar Help

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