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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Problem with 3 monitors, taskbar only on two?
Tim   2006-09-01 09:43
Hey guys, Not sure what is gong on here but I have the smart taskbar only showing the stuff on each monitor and I have 3 monitors but just resently I noticed that my middle & Right monitors show the taskbar with the opening windows on them but my left one show no open windows. All of those show on the mid screen? Any ideas on a cure. As always. Thanks, Tim
n3twork   2006-09-01 10:53
you need to rigth click on the taskbar and select show windows from (make sure only that monitor is selected). Do this for all three problem solved ;P
Tim   2006-09-01 23:47
The problem is that I do not have a taskbar on the left monitor? I tried to do this from the middle monitor and the right one and I don't see that info on the taskbar? Thanks, TIm
Tim   2006-09-01 23:51
Nevermind. Got it guys! Thanks, Tim
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Problem with 3 monitors, taskbar only on two?

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