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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual toolbars/start menus
B.O.B.   2006-09-02 16:59
Basically, I'd like to know if it is possible to have the same toolbar (such as the quick launch bar) on both taskbars.

Also, along the same lines, having a start menu on each taskbar.
ECarlson   2006-09-03 09:07
You could always create a second quick-launch task bar, and put it on the second monitor. I just tried it using nothing more than plain Windows XP, and it worked. I don't know what to do about adding another Start button though.

- Eric,
B.O.B.   2006-09-03 12:51
Excuse the newbie question, but how do you create another quick launch toolbar?
B.O.B.   2006-09-03 13:29
Nevermind found how to make another toolbar. But new problem with that:

I can't seem to drag the toolbar onto the taskbar of the 2nd monitor. I can drag the toolbar onto the desktop of the 2nd monitor but that just creates a new window of it where I can dock the bar. But I don't want a whole new bar. I want the toolbar on the 2nd taskbar.

I did make sure that the taskbar on both monitors were unlocked.

Anyway, I'm seeing something in the faqs about scripting...Is what I need maybe an advanced script?
ECarlson   2006-09-03 15:23
Maybe the UltraMon taskbar doesn't allow for docking of quick-launch toolbars. I don't have UltraMon, so I can't test it, but it sounds like it would be a nice feature to add to UltraMon if it is not already there.

- Eric,
B.O.B.   2006-09-05 02:09
Thanks for the reply! Does anyone have a definitive answer on whether UltraMon can dock toolbars?
Christian Studer   2006-09-05 09:31
UltraMon currently doesn't support toolbar docking.

Version 3 will support this, but not all toolbars will work with UltraMon.

Christian Studer -
B.O.B.   2006-09-15 01:00

What about dual Start menu though?
Just mirroring the Start menu would work, but what would be really nice:
C:\Documents and Settings\MonitorX\All Users\Start Menu\Programs

You could put what menu items you want to display on MonitorX and so on down the line, and also,
C:\Documents and Settings\MonitorX\Individual User\Start Menu\Programs

You could put menu items for just specific users on the start menu for MonitorX.

This would allow you to have custom start menus on each monitor. Of course the primary monitor would default to (respectively):
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs
C:\Documents and Settings\Individual User\Start Menu\Programs
Christian Studer   2006-09-15 02:24
Support for this will be considered for UltraMon 3.

Christian Studer -
Rob   2007-01-04 02:35
So CAN you mirror the start button? or is that what will be considered in ver.3?
Christian Studer   2007-01-04 08:29
A start button on each taskbar currently isn't supported.

Christian Studer -
Soularis   2007-02-03 00:24
This is also a feature i have been looking for. I Really want a start menu/task bar on each monitor.

maybe even have it auto sort the programs on each monitor to its current task bar

basically what i want is 2 desk tops on 2 dif monitors that i can toss programs between i guess...

nview has failed me in this option or i have simply failed in setting it up correctly.

if a feature like this becomes available for your program you have got yourself a new customer.

Well i hope you put some more consideration into this feature cause i have been looking all over for it.

Soularis Esprit
Dane   2007-05-10 01:17
Same. This is the feature that makes or breaks it for me.
Is it in the beta 3.0.1?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual toolbars/start menus

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