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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Trident Blade AGP as secondary - how?
Terry   2001-08-09 22:20
I've got a Trident Blade3D/MVP4 onboard AGP and a SiS6326 PCI.
When I try to set the PCI as primary in the BIOS, the AGP craps out - it just displays junk on the screen. It happens when I set it a 2,4 or 8mb. It works fine when the AGP is primary.

In the database someone mentioned using the EMMExclude command to let the Trident access the shared memory without Windows kicking up a stink. I'm not really sure how to use this, so any advice would be welcome.

As an aside, does anyone know how I can get the task bar in the secondary monitor? I hate ALT-TAB'ing!

Terry   2001-08-09 23:26
(bad form to reply to one's own posts... but hey!)

I added "EMMExclude=A000-AFFF" to system.ini and all seems fine now... I'll have to check if it's causing problems elsewhere, but for now, it works.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Trident Blade AGP as secondary - how?

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