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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> mouse control at edge
Steve   2006-09-12 00:54
Is there an option in Ultramon, or any other program, to create a snap-to or pause on the transition edge between monitors?

In my situation, my 2nd monitor is my main display, and my laptop screen sits off to my right as the secondary display. I'm having problems when I need to grab the scroll bar on my primary display of me overshooting the right edge and the mouse going to the other monitor. This is just from years of use of there not being another monitor on the right side and the mouse going no further.

If, not, I think this might be a nice feature to add to Ultramon. Just a snap-to or slight stickieness to that scroll bar edge to prevent you from going over when grabbing a scroll bar.
Christian Studer   2006-09-12 02:16
UltraMon doesn't support this, but you could do this with MouseTrap.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> mouse control at edge

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