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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Flicker problem
Chris Mousseau   2006-09-12 22:56
Ok I have a GeForce 7800 GS AGP card with 2 monitors hooked to it. One is an Acer 19", and the other is a Dell 15". When ever I play a video on either screen pon windows media play, both screens do a refresh or flicker right when it is loaded up and started. This only happens once, and it never happened before I started using multiple monitors. Anyone have any ideas to the cause or solutions?

Chris Mousseau   2006-09-12 22:57
By once I mean only once at the beginning of playing a video file. This happens with every file I open.
Jake   2006-09-16 16:25
Have you got suitable drivers installed, that may solve the problem.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Flicker problem

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