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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor Gaming
JSaam18   2006-09-15 15:57
I am currently running 2 monitors, What I would like is that when I run a certain application, for my view to go from horizontal to single display full screen. Is this possible?
Kyle M   2006-09-22 18:29
Right click on shortcut > properties > ultramon window
1.Use custom settings
2.Show Maximized
3.On monitor 1

Hope that helped. If not reply with your setup configuration.
Kyle M   2006-09-22 18:30
Sorry about last post, I forgot that both monitors register as one. You will have to switch it from horizontal span to single view when you run a full screen app. you want on one monitor.
Max   2006-09-24 05:29
You should disable monitor #2 prior to run the game from the desktop properties. This would move all of your icons on a single display then. (Or, for some strange reasons wich I am not aware of, you may find still your second monitor desktop area icons in their proper place only it's not visualized on the second monitor, but I guess
Winzozz experts can have some magic registry answer)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor Gaming

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