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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Adding 3rd Monitor-Need Video Card Advice
Max   2006-09-20 01:56
I am currently running two monitors on this setup: ASUS P5GDC-V Deluxe motherboard with Intel 915G Graphics Memory Controller/Graphics Media Accelerator 900. In other words, integrated grapics.

The motherboard accomodates an optional DVI-ADD2 card for a second monitor, and I have that card and a second monitor set up.

The board has 1 PCI Express x 16 slot, 2 PCI Express x 1 slot, and 3 PCI slots.

Now I want to add a third monitor, a Samsung 971P (digital interface).

I am hoping to do this while maintaining the the integrated grapics (and not having to turn off the integreated grapics in the bios) and am told I can do it by buying a seperate PCI video card for the new monitor.

Can I get some advice on: (1)If what I was told is correct (that I can just add a video card for the third monitor) and (2) video card recommendations. This is a business computer and not a gaming setup, so I don't need anything fancy but I don't want to go with just the cheapest card either.

Can I get some advice from someone who has done this or understands what I want to do? Thanks.

Kyle M   2006-09-22 18:20
I have a geforce 5200 for my setup secondary monitors.

monitor 1
pci geforce fx 5200 output 1 of 2

monitor 2
agp geforce fx 6800 output 1 of 2

moniotr 3
pci geforce gx 5200 output 2 of 2

My setup is mainly for gaming, but the games only run on the middle monitor. The secondary monitors are on the 5200 which runs programs nicely. Not too cheap, not too expensive, not crappy either.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Adding 3rd Monitor-Need Video Card Advice

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