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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Switching the Primary VGA monitor to DVI
JOHN   2006-09-24 02:20
I have a Dual head video card w/ 1-DVI and 1-VGA. The VGA is the primary monitor, is it possible to switch the DVI tos the primary monitor????...Thanks.

jbigger   2006-09-24 03:56
If I understand your question correctly,
you would choose the monitor using the dvi and select "use as primary monitor" at the bottom of the screen in the windows video properties screen.

right click anywhere on the desktop and choose "properties"

select the dvi monitor at the top and check mark at the bottom "use as primary monitor"
john   2006-09-24 08:44
Thanks...that was easy.
john   2006-09-24 08:51
Another question:

I can't use my #2 monitor on my AGP card.
The #1 monitor is VGA and
#2 DVI. The 2nd(DVI) monitor is blurry. I tried changing the refresh rate but it doesn't do anything. Is there something else i can do or is the card defective.

I use #3 and #4 on PCI card but it would be nice to get #2 working.
ECarlson   2006-09-24 13:21
Are you actualy using an LCD monitor with a DVI input on the #2 DVI output, or are you using a DVI-VGA adapter and connecting to the monitor via VGA?

I assume the second, because the first is unlikely to create a blurry image, expecially if you are using the LCD monitor's native resolution, and have it set to 60.hz refresh.

I've heard that some cards, especially older, cheaper ATI cards, didn't have very good VGA out of the DVI port, though the card's I've used have all had good VGA out of the DVI port, but they were NVidia and Matrox cards.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Switching the Primary VGA monitor to DVI

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