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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> second monitor (tv) black and white?
pants   2006-10-01 16:37
i have a nvidia geforce ti4200, freshly reinstalled drivers and an s-video out display in black and white. my normal monitor is fine and my tv had color. i believe it switched to black and white after i had a winamp vizualization running full screen on it. If anybody has any idea how to get the color back into the display on my tv it would be greatly appreciated.
Kyle M   2006-10-06 05:31
If it was color before the switch to your tv, then its a problem with winamp. I have been told 2 things about using S-video and outputting to a tv with it being black and white.
1. There is a setting on your video card(which i can't find cause I have the same problem) that you change from current setting to composite


2. Modding the cable or purchasing an adapter that does it for you. It deals with the pin configuration; that if one of them is switched you have your color.
ECarlson   2006-10-06 12:12
There is an entire long thread in this forum dealing with the solutions to fix TV video displaying in only black and white. That thread probably has your answer. You can use the Search feature to find the thread.

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> second monitor (tv) black and white?

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