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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors, 3 resolutions, all cloned simultaneously?
JaniL   2006-10-09 20:45
Is it possible to run 3 monitors showing exactly the same content simultaneously using 2 graphic cards (Nvidia 6600GT & 7600GT)? I would like to use cloned mode only because all the monitors are in different rooms and I need to see the same content. One more obstacle is that all the displays have different resolutions.

I think this could be solved if it is possible to clone the picture to 2 graphic cards. Anu suggestions?
Christian Studer   2006-10-10 07:48
UltraMon can do this, but you should test if performance is sufficient for your needs, UltraMon does software mirroring.

Christian Studer -
Mas(+)teR   2006-10-16 00:28
Ultramon does this well as long as you've got a somewhat decent pc to back it all up with. I install home theatre systems with up to 7 monitors using software mirroring and have had no problems. In these cases though, there is serious hardware backing it all up, so your success may vary.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 monitors, 3 resolutions, all cloned simultaneously?

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