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Karl 2006-10-10 10:30
I've recently gotten a second screen, mostly so I can play a game in one and have the pdf manual in the other... However (at least with Neverwinter Nights) the mouse will still leave one screen for the other when i run it to the edge.
Does UltraMon allow the mouse to be locked in screen?
Kyle M 2006-10-11 22:46
In ultramon Hotkeys, you can set up the program to "Lock mouse to active window" or "Lock mouse to primary monitor" So yup, Ultramon is better than sliced bread.
Karl 2006-10-12 07:11
I've tried the trial version, however the lock mouse in active window, and prmiary monitor don't seem to work with games, well not Titan Quest anyway. I'm also not sure that I can use the Hotkey during a game either.
Christian Studer 2006-10-13 03:21
You would need to lock the mouse before launching the game, most likely the hotkey won't work while in the game.
Christian Studer -
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