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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gray block in left monitor? Slowness when etc....
Tim   2006-10-11 12:39
Hi Guys, been a avid ultramon users for years now. Just bought a new pc and using 3 monitors my left monitor has a gray block in the upper left corner fairly large and it stays on top of windows? It will sometimes go away but only after clicking on it for a while? I guess I am wondering if you guys have seen this issue. I actually seen the same things on previous computer but got it gone somehow? ANy ideas? I am wondering if it is a config issue between ultramon and the two video cards. It did not show up until loading ultramon? The odd thing with this new computer is that it auto found the monitors whereas my last computer I used the Ultramon software to enable the other monitors? Any ideas? Thanks, Tim
Kyle M   2006-10-11 22:43
Possible problems/solutions (guessing, i've never had the problem)

1. Possible program running that errored out and doesnt like your setup. / Check task manager to see if its one. Maybe boot up in safe mode.

2. Refresh desktop wallpaper, if you have one, or just refresh desktop.

3. Move the monitor to some other spot virtually through your ultramon display settings. Like put the gray spot monitor above the primary monitor or on the right side, then back in place.

If I can think of anymore I'll post
Christian Studer   2006-10-13 03:20
If you're using Nvidia video cards, also make sure you have the latest drivers.

There was a compatibility issue with some versions of the nView Desktop Manager and UltraMon which caused hidden windows to get shown, which might be what you're seeing.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Gray block in left monitor? Slowness when etc....

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