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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> second screen while full screen gaming
anf   2006-10-12 21:14
is it possible to script a button, so that when i hold it down, i can float the mouse over to the second screen while maintaining full screen gaming on the primary screen?

i wanna be able to play games at the same time, while being able to chat without minimizing the game.
Kyle M   2006-10-12 22:39
I don't think so but from what I hear Xfire will help with that. I don't use it and I wouldn't ask all my friends to switch to it just because I did.
Obiwanshinobi   2006-10-23 15:44
Yeah, Im having that same problem. I would like to be able to full screen a game, while surfing the web, folders, chat, whatver, maybe even another game . But when I click on the other screen my game minimizes.
Will   2006-11-09 07:43
Same problem
Thomas   2006-11-18 13:29
It's not a problem, everyone has it.. Its something with DirectX
Seahorse   2006-11-18 21:55
It can be done - I use a programme specifically for this purpose when playing Eve-Online so that I can sure/read email/look at spreadsheet while playing. It's called Eve-Launcher

He has 2 versions, one for Eve and one for everything else. What you need is a game that plays in windowed mode. Then use ShiftWindowshift to remove the bars etc and you can do both at the same time i.e. leave game playing on monitor 1 while reading your email on monitor 2 etc...

www.Dead-Fish.Com Deep Sea Daddies...
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> second screen while full screen gaming

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