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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Closing Second Monitor Breaks Auto-Hide Toolbars
David Tong   2006-10-18 05:49
I like using the custom desktop toolbars that XP allows you to make. I use three of them docked on left, top, and right hand sides of the primary display and have them set to auto-hide so they pop-up when the mouse goes to the edges (see Windows XP Help item ‘Add toolbars to the taskbar’ or

They work well except that if you’re using dual monitors and switch from extended desktop to primary monitor only, and if the toolbars are in their ‘hidden’ state, then when you next open one on the single monitor, you get just an outline instead of the full toolbar.

The only way I know to repair them is by closing and restarting Explorer, or by going back to dual-monitor mode and making sure that the toolbars are in ‘non-hidden’ state when I switch back to single monitor. But it would be much easier to have a ‘toolbar repair’ button.

My question is, does anyone know of a neat way to force Windows to refresh these toolbars without restarting Explorer?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Closing Second Monitor Breaks Auto-Hide Toolbars

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