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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 monitors - Primary Screen not fully Used by XP - Right Edge Gap
JP Vann   2006-10-21 00:45
Hi All,

Have 2 Samsung 930B Monitors in Dual use - 1 DVI, the other Analog off same, single Radeon 9600. The Primary screen on the left does NOT use the whole monitor in 1280 x 1024 - there is a 3/4" gap on the right side of the monitor with a weird green line down the right (same) edge.

Doesn't happen in normal mode, or without ultra mon. Have adjusted everything I can think of including resolution - can't make hte problem go away. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

ECarlson   2006-10-21 02:54
I assume you have the correct resolution set. Is the refresh rate set to 60.Hz for both?

- Eric,
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 monitors - Primary Screen not fully Used by XP - Right Edge Gap

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