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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 6 LCD's, or 4 LCD's plus projector.
PictureChasers   2006-10-24 02:41
Hi all!

We only use 2 monitors now but are upgrading. We are wondering how LCD projector users like them.

Our 2 options currently are.
a) 6 19" LCD's in 2 rows of 3

b) 2 19" LCD's in 2 rows in front of me
2 19" LCD's in 2 rows to the right
LCD Projector on whiteboard to left

Primarily we develop software and process high resolution images. Also some gaming and maybe TV watching on LCD projector.


Never used an LCD projector up close, is it suitable for editing code at say 30" * 40"?

Which is better, a or b?

Compare displaying same content on 4 monitors VS projector, which will display better, stronger, faster...?

ANY input appreciated, especially from projector users! Thanks

Darren Sweet
PictureChasers Photography
MonsterDB Software Development
PictureChasers   2006-10-30 14:25

Darren Sweet
PictureChasers Photography
MonsterDB Software Development
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 6 LCD's, or 4 LCD's plus projector.

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