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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitor gaming question.
Xellicon   2006-10-28 15:37
Alright, I know this sounds crazy -

But I've been looking into gaming on 3 monitors. Not just to "Stretch" the image, but to actually aquire periferal vision. I found one such thing that does the trick. The Matrox TripleHead2Go. All in all - it's amazing, it's everything I've ever wanted - but with one downfall.

It maxes out at 3840x1024. (Yes, I know, that's good resolution) Unfortunately, it's 4:3 resolution. I have 2 GeForce Nvidia 7900 GTX OC's. (2x512MB Video Cards) Running in SLI of course. The great thing about this, is it allows you to run multiple monitors using Nvidia SLI. Which normally... isn't allowed with Nvidia Graphics Cards. Unfortunatly, having 2 7900's. I don't have a 4:3 17" monitor. I have a Viewsonic 23" widescreen with a res of 1900x1200. And being LCD looks terrible in anything less. I want to game with three widescreen monitors running each at 1900x1200 resolution. Here is the link to a review of a Matrox Triple Head 2 Go incase you need some clarification on what I'm trying to accomplish. I realize by the way that 3x 1900x1200 resolution is insane, but Quad SLI is coming. (Mwhaha-)

If anyone knows anyway to somehow pull this off, that'd be great. I know there are people out there that have pulled off games like Quake 3 with 24 monitors (Yes, that's crazy too) So there must be a way to do this. Any help WHATSOEVER would be helpful and greatly appreciated - despite how ridiculous this project sounds.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 Monitor gaming question.

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