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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Resolution problems
Christian   2006-10-28 23:11
Can i change the resolution on my TV to be say
640 by 480 and so it fits on the screen? And keep my PC Monitor at its own resolution (1024 by 768) Any help at all is apprecciated, cheers


Kyle M   2006-10-29 05:23
If you go into your display settings and click the monitor that is your tv, you can change its resolution as long as you are in dual view and not horizontal span.
Christian   2006-10-29 09:50
Yeah this works but i have to like scroll up the screen to get to the top and move my mouse down to go to the task bar, any help?

Christian Studer   2006-10-29 09:56
Is this with clone mode? In this case you'll need to use the same resolution for both displays, or you'll get the behavior you mentioned.

If you want to mirror a video on the TV fullscreen, you could use the video mirroring feature of your video card instead of clone mode.

Christian Studer -
Christian   2006-10-30 03:00
How do i 'Mirror'? And what exactly does it mean?

Christian Studer   2006-10-30 08:53
Mirroring is the same as clone mode, showing the same thing on both monitors.

See the FAQ for more on the video card's video mirroring feature.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Resolution problems

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