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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Monitors / 1 TV = 1xGraphics Card... Possible?
Simbomatic   2006-11-03 05:02
Hey ppl,

Im really looking for some help with this subject, i currently have a 7600gt operating 2 monitors and would like to have my TV added to this system as a clone of my main prehaps or even just displaying fullscreen applications.

Is it possible to have all three working? I know pyshically they connect up ok.. but windows only allows me the use of 2 displays at a time(2xmonitor or 1xmonitor and 1xTV) Any advice for this or solution. I did actually purchase another graphics card today but seems that only caused me more problems and loads blue screens! kkthnxbb
N3twork   2006-11-09 15:49
Not unless you get a card with 3 heads... the only one I know of is the matrox pirahna but it doens't have TV out but if your TV uses DVI you can do it ;P
Kyle M   2006-11-10 20:38
If you want to display it as a clone you would have to get a splitter and adapter to change it from DVI/VGA to rca/s-video depending on your output of your primary monitor.
dualview   2006-11-14 09:10
where can i purchase one of these DVI/VGA to rca/s-video because im tryin to do the same thing and although i have 2 VGA and Svideo on the card, windows only lets me use 2 at the same time. i was thinking about using the onboard VGA since windows do let me use that VGA but couldnt find an adapter.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 Monitors / 1 TV = 1xGraphics Card... Possible?

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