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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dell precision m90 laptop screen VERY dim when docked and pci card installed in d/dock
Tony   2006-11-03 10:20
I have a dell precision M90 w/ NVIDIA Quadro FX 1500M, a dell D-dock and dual dell 2007FP flat panels.

I want to run all 3 displays at once (including the laptop screen). I had heard that you can't run the dvi and the vga at the same time for two different monitors, so I bought a pci video card to put in the d/dock (Jaton Video-208PCI-128Twin with GeForce mx 4000).

The problem is, with the video card installed in the d/dock and the laptop docked and lid open, the laptop screen is *extremely* dim. About twice as dim as the lowest screen brightness setting, it is basically illegible. It doesn't matter if I have other monitors plugged in or not. When I take out the video card, it works great.

Does anybody have a pci video card installed in their d/dock? If you do and it doesn't affect the screen brightness when the laptop is docked, please reply with the model number, so I don't have to go by trial and error. Anything will do as long as it can do 1200 x 1600 on a 2007fp.

Thanks in advance!

Wiseguy   2006-11-15 05:40

I am having the same problems with the same setup, except I'm using a 64mb radeon dual video card. Should you find a solution, please post back to the forum. I will do likewise.
Martin   2006-11-20 16:10

today I juzst tried to install a PCI Graphics card into my D/Dock, which I am using with a Dell M90.
The Graphics card is a ATI Radeon 9250 256 MB DDR card.

I am planning to use this for having two external monitors, without the internal (notebook) display.

When I have the PCI card installed in the D/Dock, my two external screens remain black.
I don't know if the signal they get is so faint that they blank it out, or whether they receive no signal at all.

Did you guys get the PCI graphics card to work with the two external monitors, but without the Notebook Display?

If so, how did you do that?

Please let me know. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Martin K.
chuck   2006-11-22 08:43
I've got three (3) monitors running off the big Dell Dock--the one with a PCI slot. I've got the Latitude 820 laptop with the Nvidia Quadro NVS 120 and a Nvidia 5200 card in the PCI slot. First, I'll cover my experience with the stuff, but for those of you want to read what I (hopefully and corretly) figured out, skip down....

My experience:

Everything was working great--no problems with the graphics docked or undocked and remember the graphics settings between the two states, but now, everything just works fine, sort of--the system had a "fit" a couple weeks back and lost the video in Windows some how. Windows recognized the hardware properly but would not give me anything but VERY LOW graphics--less than 640x480 and only 4bit color. I had it reload the NVS drivers and everything came back, but now I have little problems with the video (resolution and position) settings not being remembered and a few little annoyances. I believe the problem is with the drivers between Dell and Nvidia, because, I could not find a single driver set from Nvidia that recognized (using the setup/installer) both the NVS and the 5200, but the files listed under the drivers in Windows seemed for the most part to be named the same. I'm hoping Nvidia puts out a new driver set that recognizes both controllers soon.

And the rest:

First, the problem with running two monitors off the dock and using the laptop display (without a PCI video card) is you can NOT--most of the onboard video controllers will only drive two monitors at most, so one of the monitors should/may mirror the laptop display.

Second, the problem with the laptop display being dim with a card in the PCI slot may be a bad dock. After much trail and error troubleshooting, I found I had a bad dock--the information for the dock would be bad when looked at in the BIOS. After replacing the dock, things worked fine, but I still occasional get problems with the system seeing the PCI video and such, but only after the system has been up for a while and is rebooted.

Third, the PCI slot in the big dock causes the video card, in essence, to “face down” in the slot with the heat sink of the card below the card. This is just an FYI. Originally, I considered that the heat from this design was causing all the problems with the dock--e.g. the keyboard would not respond, even to bring up the BIOS, and the PCI video card was not seen by the system. I left the slot cover panel off, but still got issues. The dock gets into a weird state when shutting down sometimes. The only way to recover, so far, is to reboot the laptop undocked and shutdown, pull and reconnect the power to the dock, and then dock the laptop and boot.

Next, I feel the weird state the laptop-dock gets into is caused by something not closing out properly when shutdown. Unless the dock is going bad, I think a recent update is the cause. Some new software was recently installed which included an update for something in the Windows system--the video problems started around the same time as the update.

And last, as for setting the main video to the dock PCI video in the laptop BIOS, DON’T--I got a blue screen after I did. I put the setting back to the laptop video and everything worked fine again. I do not know if this is a driver issue or something else, and I’m not too eager to determine because I’ve got work to get back to now that the system is up and running again.

Hope this is helpful or at least informative to some one.

Good luck.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dell precision m90 laptop screen VERY dim when docked and pci card installed in d/dock

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