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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Possible Video card conflict? Please help
David   2006-11-12 05:53
I'm looking for a computer savvy tech that can help me run multiple monitors. I recently purchased an NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 for my 4 year old computer and my new LCD monitor, and its running great...but when I recently tried to plug in my old CRT monitor to the built-in video card, Windows detected it, but nothing showed up on the screen. I asked someone online about this in a help chat room and they told me possibly something could be done in the BIOS. Because it seems the two cards are conflicting, and once the GeForce is in it, the system disables the original video card. Can you help?
David DeRolph   2006-11-13 11:30
Does the GeForce FX 5200 have two monitor connectors on it, such as VGA and DVI?
dualview   2006-11-14 09:05
i also use a Fx5200 and i found that if the card you purchased was a AGP card then it will auto disable the onboard VGA on the motherboard.
but your Fx5200 should already have 2 VGA outputs (mine do [PCI])so plug your monitors up there and its simple to configure in the graphics options to do clone or dual view or horzontal span.
David DeRolph   2006-11-14 10:36
"... but your Fx5200 should already have 2 VGA outputs...." That's not necessarily true. Many cards do not have two outputs. It just depends on the brand and model of card.
David   2006-11-19 08:41
Mine was the less inexpensive version and it only has 1 slot
David   2006-11-19 08:43
the motherboard video card disables when the Fx5200 is plugged in...any way around this?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Possible Video card conflict? Please help

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