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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> DVI disabled when switching inputs on attached PDP
Barry Porch   2006-11-12 12:06
I have a 2 monitor setup on my HTPC where the primary display is a 15" LCD in the audio rack and the secondary display is an HDTV. The purpose for this is being able to play music, upgrade software, etc without having the HDTV on.

I have used this setup successfully for a couple of years and just replaced the HDTV (formerly a RPTV using component (VGA out from HTPC)) with a Plasma using HDMI input (DVI out from HTPC).

Windows MCE works great and outputs a beautiful picture to my PDP. The problem is that when I switch inputs on my Plasma, the Windows box thinks that the monitor has been disconnected and disables it. MCE then jumps back to the primary monitor. I have to go through a bunch of gyrations to get MCE back on the PDP (re-enable the monitor, extend windows to this monitor, move MCE back) and this is not wife friendly.

Is there a way to force Windows to think that this monitor is always connected?

If there is not a way to address this in software I am going to look into using a DVI switchbox between the HTPC and PDP.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> DVI disabled when switching inputs on attached PDP

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