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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two Graphic Cards - Three monitors
Jamie   2006-11-14 02:46
I am trying to run three montors with two graphics cards.

I have just upgraded my system to a new computer (Dell Dimension 9200 P2.4 Ghz Duo2 Processor, 2GB RAM). I have a ASUS EN7600GT PCI-E card which has dual dvi output to power two of the monitors. I need to run three screens and have bought an ATI Radeon 9550 PCI card to power the other monitor (performance not needed on this one!).

I have the latest bios updates, and all drivers installed for both graphics cards, however, my new system does not like trying to run both cards simultaneously. Is there a clash/conflict on the PCI/PCIE bus? Is there a way to change the memory each card references? All I get is 680 x 420 screen res. on the third screen. Looks terrible. I have tried inserting the Radeon into the other PCI slot, but still no joy. On windows load, it says "Cannot find Video card information". I am assuming this is refering to the ATI card.

My old system worked with default Dell AGP card and PCI Radeon card (Can't remember which one: 64MB). This was able to power three monitors. And worked from day one.

At the moment I have the ATI card disabled and am just running two monitors.

Any ones help would be much appreciated.

Many many thanks in advance,

Jamie   2006-11-14 06:44
Or does any one know what PCI graphics card is compatible with the ASUS EN7600GT PCI-E card. I only have one PCI-E graphics card slot.

I know this ASUS is a popular card so hopefully someone must know this?

Many thanks.

David DeRolph   2006-11-14 12:14
The ASUS EN7600GT is a nVidia-based card, right? That's what I gather from So, I think you would have been better off to get a PCI card with nVidia graphics chip; that would have been less likely to conflict with your primary card.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Two Graphic Cards - Three monitors

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