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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> conecting 4 monitors
Jerrin Jos   2001-08-22 01:19
i would like to connect 4 monitors to my solaris system.Which would be the card which is most preferred??
DK   2001-08-24 10:59
If you don't care about graphics and want a cheap 4 monitor card. Go with a colorgraphic LT 4. I bought a couple on ebay for really cheap. Just make sure its compatible with your computer. There is no need to spend $800 on an appian card if you don't need it for graphics.
Jerrin Jos   2001-08-27 17:51
I am ready to spent $800 but does an appian card support solaris.I heard it is available onlyfor windows platform
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> conecting 4 monitors

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