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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Twin screen and SLI question
James   2006-11-17 11:51
Basically i need confirmation of whether an idea of mine will work.

Right now i am running a single graphics card with two screens connected. When i game however i am now starting to want better performance so my plan is to buy a matching graphics card and connect them with SLI. Now i know SLI'd cards can only run one monitor so here is my plan.

If i join the cards with the SLI bridge and plug a screen into each card and then disable SLI in the control panel each screen will run of each card.

Then when i enable SLI it'll stop its output to the second monitor and drive the primary with both cards for high power gaming.

Basically i want to know if this idea is possible before i drop £100 on another card.

If this doesnt work then il just buy a high power card for £200 and dedicate the old one to the 'low power screen'.

Cheers for your time
siorai   2006-11-26 03:32
So does this actually work? I just bought a secondary video card last night and obviosly found out that dual monitors and SLI do not play together at all.
Kyle   2006-11-26 03:51
To me you are asking if SLI would work. Yes many people have used SLI capable video cards and had better performance than a single card.
Kyle   2006-11-26 05:03
The first card you bought though has to be SLI ready, you can't just connect any 2 cards. They have to be exact make and model cards, and your motherboard must be PCIe ready.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Twin screen and SLI question

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