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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Svideo output to TV
Andy Brown   2006-11-20 02:22
I was wondering if Ultramon will help me with the following arrangement:
I have an Nvidia card with TV-out (svideo) socket which I connect to my TV to watch divx movies.
Will Ultramon allow me to divert my media player output (movies) to the TV via the svideo socket whilst having my normal desktop displayed on my PC monitor via the vga socket ? That way my wife can watch her movies and I can use my PC at the same time!
Christian Studer   2006-11-20 10:04
UltraMon won't help with this, but most recent video cards will allow you to use both the monitor and TV at the same time.

To do this, extend the desktop to the TV under Display Properties > Settings.

Another way to do this would be to enable the video mirroring feature of your video card. This way you'll have a fullscreen copy of the video running on the secondary monitor (the TV).

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Svideo output to TV

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