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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Horizontal Span Mode with 3 LCDs & 2 Vid cards
Geek at large   2006-11-23 09:55
Frustration, I'll begin with that word. I built a half decent system FX60, Dual 7800 KOs, you get the picture, and I just came into a third 1600x1200 LCD. I was really hoping to be able to use all three in a horizontal span mode to enable a really cool gaming experience, not to mention a great work space. I've been looking for a solution to this for the last few weeks but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to exist. I can of course use two displays with the two heads on one of my cards to span but my third LCD sits there dumb and not very happy as it's not part of a 4800x1200 environment. The only actual solution I found was the Matrox - Triple Head to Go and to be quite honest the specs don't look that hot. I heard/read somewhere that Vista might be able to handle a horizontal span across two Vid cards but haven't found a backup for that on any of the MS sites. Most multiple monitor search queries lead to this site so I thought I would reach out to the people that have experience in this arena. Have I found a hole in the marketplace? Wow, seems like someone could make a lot of money if this sceanario could be realized. Don't mean to sound like a snob but price in not an object. I've been in the industry since I first played Star Trek on a time share interface with a REALLY slow dial up interface. Can someone point me towards a possible solution or hasn't the time come where someone can be surrounded by the experience they're looking for. Thanks for any suggestions in advance. Cheers!
Kyle   2006-11-26 04:34
Matrox Parehelia and TripleHead2Go max at 1280 x 1024 it seems.

You would want the Xentera GT 4 in the PCI-e form factor. It's 128 mb of vram with 2 vpu's.

- Support for quad screen VGA output at up to 2048 x 1536 per display

- Support for quad screen DVI output at up to 1600 x 1200 per display

I think that should be sufficient. They have an 8 monitor card as well.
Geek   2006-11-26 07:58
Kyle, Thank you! Scoping it out as I write this.

Kyle   2006-11-26 10:20
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Horizontal Span Mode with 3 LCDs & 2 Vid cards

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