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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> LCD TV and projector - Same image, different resolutions?
SupaCoopa   2006-11-24 00:58
Hello everyone.

I wonder if UltraMon can help me with my setup. I have an HTPC connected to an LCD TV and an LCD projector. TV needs 1360x768 (via VGA) and projector needs 1280x720 (via DVi)...

Is it possible to have clone mode (same exact image, including overlay/VMR9 support on both) with those two different resolutions? But I don't want to lose any picture portion in either display or have to move mouse to the edges to pan full image.

Videocard is currently an ATI X1300 but I will change that to a newer NVidia or ATI anytime soon. If I can't accomplish the above "clone mode - different resolutions" thing with just one card, I could go to a double-card setup if this would help in any way.

Thanks for any help!
Christian Studer   2006-11-24 11:12
You'll probably get a slightly distorted image because the aspect ratios of the two monitors aren't exactly the same, UltraMon mirroring currently won't ensure that the correct aspect ratio is preserved.

You would need to disable video overlays and 3D acceleration under mirroring options, UltraMon can't mirror overlays or videos rendered via 3D graphics. Please note that this can cause problems for some video players, and will reduce image quality and playback performance.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> LCD TV and projector - Same image, different resolutions?

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