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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 dual monitor questions.
liffie   2006-11-24 21:41
Ok I am sorry for my lack of knowledge since I have not tried checking lots of site for answers to these 2 questions. I want to run dual monitors when I build my new system and I was hoping to get answers on the following 2 questions to see if it is worth it. My first question is this:

I used a dual monitor set up a long time ago must be 6 to 8 years ago now, but you were able to just drag windows, etc. from one monitor to the other just like you had one giant desktop. From some of the things I have read in various FAQ's dealing with dual mon set ups they mention clicking a button to send window "X" to the second monitor. Can you just drag and drop from one monitor to the other with UltraMon (I didn't see an answer to that specific question in the FAQ's here but please post link if I missed it) or is there something else you have to do, or even can you still do that now?

And second, when I run games will it just run on one monitor or do I have to set it to do that? I have read some FAQ's about resolution problems if it is not the same as the desktop res, but I tend to play alot of first person shooters and that wont work well on dual monitors since where you aim would fall on the "seam" between the 2 monitors.

And a fyi I am running Win XP and will be using 2 either 17" crt monitors or possibly 2 19" crt monitors. Thank you in advance for your time.

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Kyle   2006-11-26 04:03
1st question
While full screened, you can drag the title bar to the next monitor and it will be full screened on it. And while its windowed you can do the same.(just click and hold while moving)

2nd question
1. In horizontal span it will be opened to the 2x resolution acting as one monitor which is set for primary.
Resolution examples [1600 x 600], [2560 x 1024]

2. If its set for dual view which lets you set 2 seperate virtual monitors then the game will only be displayed on the one set to primary. Both monitors dont have to be set for the same resolution.
David DeRolph   2006-11-26 13:12
You don't need Ultramon to be able to drag a window from one monitor to the other. However, apparently Ulramon provides a way of clicking on a button to send a window to the other monitor. But, Ultramon is not needed to do that, either, if you have nVidia's nView Desktop Manager software installed a a nVidia video card(s). I don't know but presume that the same can be done with ATI cards.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2 dual monitor questions.

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