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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop LCD Disabled
Jee   2006-11-25 05:41
I connected an external monitor to my laptop dell e1705 with nvidia 7900gs and now my laptop lcd is disabled. only the external monitor is working, FN+F8 cycles but only the external monitor is showing. how do i set my laptop lcd as the main display again? i tried changing it in the display settings but that didnt do anything either, nvidia control panel only shows my external monitor.uninstalling the nvidia driver doesnt help either.
Kyle   2006-11-26 04:18
The first key is Fn for Function, the second key I can't describe well, so I drew a picture.

It's F4 on my computer, on yours it could be different but all laptops im sure have them.
Jee   2006-11-26 06:58
thanks kyle, i already tried the FN+F8 key to switch between crt and lcd, still my laptop lcd is not showing anything, there is backlight just no desktop. im wondering if the BIOS has been changed when i installed the driver for the external monitor, to set the external display as main and deactivated my laptop lcd.wonder if there is such a thing?
Kyle   2006-11-26 10:26
There could be an option with your video card to only output to one, but I'm sure you already checked that. When I hook up my tv to my pc or my laptop(both nvidia) they wont work. If I connect it before I turn them on they work perfectly fine. Doubt that is the problem though.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Laptop LCD Disabled

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