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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi-monitor problem, not software related
Paul   2001-08-22 20:05
Ok, I'm running a dual monitor setup with monitors of equal screen size from different manufacturers.
One monitor's screen is 1" lower than the other. I need a solution that looks nice. (I've tried using a pack of printing paper but it ain't pretty and the weight of the monitor compresses the paper over time so there is visible difference in height again)

I use to remember seeing plastic monitor risers for sale somewhere but when I looked recently, they were all at least 3" tall. That's too much.

Anyone have a contribution?
EdWinchester   2001-08-28 09:07
Blocks of.
Anxiety   2001-09-01 08:39
Is the difference in the monitors actual shape and size, or the heigth of the swivel bases? i removed the swivel bases from my monitors and sat them right on my desk. Although, they were about the same heigth to begin with.

A book might work. I mean, c'mon use your imagination. Something hard and 1" thick shouldn't be too hard to find.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Multi-monitor problem, not software related

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