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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Firefox opening on unwanted screen
Edward Terry   2006-11-25 20:26
G'day everybody,

I have a problem whereby when I open Firefox it opens in the left hand of my three screens when I would like it in the middle. How does one fix this without moving it between the screens each time it opens?

Thanks for your help.
Edward Terry
Kyle   2006-11-26 10:33
I'm guessing you have your furthest left monitor set to primary. If you right click on the shortcut to the program and go to "Ultramon - Window" you can set which monitor it opens to, size it is, and location if you want.
dave   2006-11-27 09:00

does ultramon offer the ability to "force" -all- apps to open on whichever monitor a multi-mon user 'wants' them to open? also, will it re-open windows in a 'certain set size' and location on the screen, if that's what a guy wants? apps I consider 'pesky' in that respect are, for example, 'WSftp lite', and EditPad Lite, both of which I use frequently...

thanks for more info :-)

zen-m   2006-12-12 19:59

If you click the shortcut of for example Firefox with right mouse btn, then go to 'properties'. There should be Ultramon - window & Ultramon - display sections. with those two.. you should be able to accomplish some things you asked for,....
CM   2006-12-17 10:06
Alternatively, you can just click the Maximize/Restore button to make it into a resizable window, drag it to the other monitor, maximize it again, and then close/reopen Firefox. This set of commands will cause Firefox to remember its new location in the display space.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Firefox opening on unwanted screen

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