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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> will 'all' dualhead cards support 'wide' format LCD's? & if pivoted?
dave   2006-11-27 09:12
admittedly slightly off topic, but I have a radeon 9000 pro dualhead AGP. presently hooked to an old analog 21" trinny/dell CRT, and an old 17" sony LCD. considering buying a dell 21" LCD, which is a 10:19 ratio, I think, or "something very close to HDTV but not exactly" the way I understand it. the big question is how does a guy determine which formats (in pixels by pixels dimenions) "his" particular video card will "support" *without* first buying the monitor to find out 'the hard way'? :-/

also concerned with which cards (like mine especially) will support the newer 'wide' formats when they're "pivoted" the dell 2005FPW, is the one I'm thinkin' about getting.

interestingly, the dell 2005FPW screen -will- pivot, but the dell-provided software, from what I read, doesn't 'support' that feature (so, uhh, hmmm :-/ that's kind'a baffling...

thanks for clues and tips on this stuff, guys :-)

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> will 'all' dualhead cards support 'wide' format LCD's? & if pivoted?

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