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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows stacking on top of each other
Andy   2006-11-28 06:23

I have a four monitor set up off 3 video cards.
Two off primary (7600 GT GeForce) PCI-E, one off GeForce 7300 LE PCI-E, and one off ATI Radeon 9200, PCI.

No matter which monitor I designate as primary, after about an hour or two of running some heavy graphics-intensive programs (primarily online poker sites), the primary monitor basically displays a copy of every window open on top of each other, and flickers back & forth between 'em. You can't click on them, and if you drag any window on top of the distorted area, it goes away, just to come back seconds later.

If I quit a few of the applications running, the problem stops. If I quit most applications, and leave the computer on for a while (half an hour or more), and then restart, the problem only reappears once again, after about an hour.

Could this be a cooling problem, considering it doesn't matter which card is displaying to the primary monitor, the problem still happens?

I have 2 gigs of ram, so I'm pretty sure that isn't it either.
David DeRolph   2006-12-01 07:20
I believe it would be a cooling problem. What is your fan configuration? How many case fans? Which ones are pulling air into the computer and which ones are blowing warm air out? Can you space those video cards any farther apart, leaving an empty slot between them?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Windows stacking on top of each other

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