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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Running Game and Desktop Simontaneously
Curt   2006-12-04 05:09
I was wondering; is there a way when running games that run Full Screen, to still use the desktop on the other monitor?

As of now, whenever you are running a full screen game, and try to click anything on the other monitor, the game minimizes and the desktop (or whatever you clicked) steals the focus.

So is there a way to keep the game up while still being able to click around on the other monitor? Something like 2 separate pointers, one for each screen?
Brian   2006-12-04 09:20
Most full screen games are like that. I have found that the newer games have an option to run the game in Window mode. If you put it in a window, then you can use multiple monitors while the game is running.

There may be other ways configuration wise, but I don't know them.

Good Luck!

Brian J
Herndon, VA
WaxMan   2006-12-06 02:58
OGL works well (the games i have run using it any way) run full screen on primary monitor and still use secondary normally, Cant remember if the games were restricetd to desktop resolution or not. So from my experiance this has allways been a DirectX issue.

As stated windowed mode is the best option, be carefull of pit falls here. If the window spans the monitor 3D and system stutter ie < 1FPS using windows controls to maximise the window works for very few games most either do not allo this or end up with text / menus etc being displaced.
Last thing game resolution = game window monitor resolution = game + window border. If you set the game to = your desktop resolution be prepared to miss some of the edges and spent a little time draging the window around if possible some games block right click options on the window title bar Alt + space / move (use arrow keys then mouse) mostly works for this.

I have return all games that do not have windowed mode or OGL support.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Running Game and Desktop Simontaneously

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