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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Seemless Multi monitor??
Patso   2006-12-09 02:25
Hello! Don't know if something like that as been discuss here before. But here is my situation: I have 2 Samsung SyncMaster 730B 17inch LCD monitor side by side.

Of course when talking multi-monitor, prety much everybody got the same issue with the seem in the middle where the 2 monitors are joining. For me it's about 1.5" wide.

Can I make the screens as seemless as possible? I could dissasemble the monitors and cut with a dremel the plastic frame in the middle and join th 2 screens togheter to bring down the 1.5" gap to almost nothing. Would it worked? I don't know how it's made behind the frame and how the seem would look like?

Did somebody done it or try to do it before? Let me know what you think or if you have other idea!


David DeRolph   2006-12-09 13:12
I think that's a very bad idea. You could just ruin your monitors. Even expensive multi-screen displays such as the ones at have seams between screens. There's nothing more you can do than put your monitors side-by-side, as you're doing now.
Patso   2006-12-09 13:24
Look what I found:

it does exist and work apparently. But of course I don't have the budget to go that way and mabe would consider modifying it myself.

Anybody else got commet or suggestion about this modification if it can be done or not!

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Seemless Multi monitor??

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