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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Adding a PCI card NVIDIA GeForce 6200 to my AGP card
alesiom   2006-12-17 05:45

I would like to add this PCI card : NVIDIA GeForce 6200 to my AGP : NVidia Ti4200 in order to use 4 monitors. Do you think, it should be compatible ?

Windows XP SP2
Intel Core2Duo E6300

Thank you very much !
David DeRolph   2006-12-18 06:03
That should work fine. Both cards should use the same driver.
Guest   2006-12-21 21:22
So you will use same driver for both cards...

Then, is possible to span them all? Or you can only use span mode on screens of the same graphic card?

David DeRolph   2006-12-22 06:20
Yes, you can span both monitors even though you have two video cards.
Guest   2006-12-22 19:26
Yes, but is it possible to span three (or four) monitors?
David DeRolph   2006-12-23 01:51
I believe this confirms that it can be done:
Guest   2006-12-23 03:35
"(...) in this mode, all the monitors connected to a single video card form a single large monitor."


Yes, of course, but they are all connected to the same video card.

I mean if it's possible to use span mode on monitors connected to different video cards (nVidia both).

David DeRolph   2006-12-24 02:54
By span, I presume you mean you could, for example, spread an Excel spreadsheet or a Word file across as many of those 4 prospective monitors as you wanted. All I can tell you is that I can span my two monitors (primary running from a nVidia GeForce4 Ti4200 AGP card; secondary, from a nVidea GeForce4 MX 440 PCI card). So, I believe you will be able to do what you want with two cards and four monitors.
Guest   2006-12-24 04:40
Nope, that's not span mode, or at least not the span mode I mean.

But thanks anyway :)

Merry christmas!
steve   2006-12-27 04:00
no span mode only works on one graphics card.

you could span two monitors on one graphic card and span two montiors on another then dual monitor them together..
there isnt much different with dual and span modes
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Adding a PCI card NVIDIA GeForce 6200 to my AGP card

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