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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> pointer restriction
RangerX52   2006-12-27 04:33
I looked reeeeeal hard for something like this but i cant find anyone with the same problem, let alone an answer. I'm a heavy gamer, with multiple monitors. i like to watch media on one, and game on the other. i've got ultramon running and configured properly, but i need a method to lock the pointer to a given monitor. at the moment when i play certain games, the mouse will happily pass the monitor's border into the next, minimize the games automatically- the only method to avoid it is by disabling the secondary monitor, which negates the whole point of me having it.

Looked for ultramon scripts, couldnt find any suitable. Any tips?
RangerX52   2006-12-27 04:44
nevermind. found the hotkey function. thanks anyway.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> pointer restriction

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