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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitors Don't Line Up Vertically
lj   2006-12-28 08:40
When I stretch a window across two screens on one monitor its against the top but on the other monitor its a couple inches below the top. They don't seem to be lined up vertically, and I can't find any information on the subject. I already tried adjusting the monitors to no avail. The video card I'm using is ATI and the monitors I'm using are both Westinghouse LCM-17V2's. They're both set to 1280x1024
Christian Studer   2006-12-28 08:52
Make sure the monitors are aligned at the top or bottom in Display Properties > Settings.

Christian Studer -
lj   2006-12-28 09:02
Thanks, it's all fixed now. Haha, I feel dumb for not realizing that before.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Monitors Don't Line Up Vertically

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