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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> More than 10 Monitors with Windows Server 2003
AndyR   2007-01-03 04:39
Does anyone have experience using more than 10 monitors in a Windows Server 2003 system?

I currently am running a Windows Server 2003 SP1 system with (1) nVidia Quadro NVS dual-head AGP card and (2) Matrox G450 MMS quad-head PCI cards using UltraMon 2.7.1; everything works fine. However, when I try to add a third Matrox G450 MMS card, the system blue screens at startup bwtween the Win2K3 spalsh screen and login screen.

Would be interested in hearing from anyone who has sucessfully run more than 10 monitors uusing Win2K3.

Dan   2009-03-04 07:55

I which this reply was to answer your question, but instead, your question answered mine.

I was told Windows 2003 server only supported 4 monitors, which is obviously not true since you were able to achieve 9.

My goal is actually to have 9 monitors connected in span mode. Would you have any advice on realizing this? This was done using PCIe? What where your pitfalls?

Thank You,

Ian   2009-03-04 08:07
Nice to see you guy's pushing the boundries...

I don't have any experience on multi-monitor with Server 2003 but i can give you tips, tricks and advice on going beyond the magic number... My goal was 20 and i fell short on attaching monitor 17, i reduced to 16 and she runs like a dream. I'm now on version 2 of my build (newer technology) and still only running 16...

check out my snaps in the gallery

If you need any help, let me know...

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> More than 10 Monitors with Windows Server 2003

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